Havana, Cuba, 2016. On the streets of Old Havana.

Havana, Cuba. 2016.

Havana, Cuba. 2016.

Havana, Cuba. 2016.

Havana, Cuba. 2016.

Havana, Cuba. 2016.

Santa Clara, Cuba. 2016. Gracias Fidel.

Santa Clara, Cuba. 2016. The Che Guevara memorial site.

Santa Clara, Cuba. 2016.

Santa Clara, Cuba. 2016. Photographs of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara hang on the walls of a simple bar.

Trinidad, Cuba. 2016.

Trinidad, Cuba. 2016.

Trinidad, Cuba. 2016.

Trinidad, Cuba. 2016.

Trinidad, Cuba. 2016.

Trinidad, Cuba. 2016. A man buys a ‘pan con queso’ from a local seller.

Trinidad, Cuba. 2017. Street musicians play on New Years Day.

Casilda, Cuba. 2017.

Casilda, Cuba. 2017. The famous Playa Ancón.

Casilda, Cuba. 2017. The best and main form of accommodation in Cuba is a ‘casa particular,’ renting a room in someone’s home.

Casilda, Cuba. 2017.

Casilda, Cuba. 2017. An afternoon haircut.

Casilda, Cuba. 2017.

Casilda, Cuba. 2017. In Cuba, there is space for everyone.

Casilda, Cuba. 2017.

Casilda, Cuba. 2017. Shooting the breeze on a lazy afternoon.

Regla, Cuba. 2017.

Regla, Cuba. 2017. Caught in the rain.

Havana, Cuba. 2017.

Havana, Cuba. 2017. “Fighting for the Social Revolution in America, is not a utopia of madmen or fanatics, it is to fight for the next step forward in history.” Julio Antonio Mella, Cuban Revolutionary, 1929.