As the adventure into Wadi Rum begins, a sturdy jeep becomes our new mode of transport.

The Bedouin guides enjoy a cup of tea in the desert.

Three Bedouin guides prepare hot tea in the setting sun.

Wadi Rum is home to the Zalabia Bedouin, many of whom now run eco-adventure tourism initiatives, guiding people through the desert.

The simple heat from the fire is a welcome relief from the chilly temperatures as the sun begins to set.

As the sun begins to set, a Bedouin guide lights a small fire to make tea for his travelling companions.

Our guide, Eid, nimbly climbs across the rocks.

The Rock Bridge of Um Fruth, a naturally formed bridge more than 15m above the ground.

The sandstone walls are pocketed with what look like tiny desert-fairy homes carved into the mountain.

A web of trails lead in and out of the sandstone canyons, ancient pathways and resting places from centuries gone past.

It’s other-worldly feel has made Wadi Rum the location of numerous films including Lawrence of Arabia and the Martian.

The half moon peeks out from behind the mountains.

Located in the southern part of Jordan, Wadi Rum is one of the largest wadi’s (valley) in the country and is known for its immense sandstone and granite outcrops.

A seemingly happy camel blends in seamlessly with the dusty environment around it.

A camel walks across the desert sands in Wadi Rum – the Valley of the Moon

Dune surfing down the red sand dune of Wadi Rum

Viewing the world from on top of the mountain