Tufi, Oro Province, 2011. A group of men wait for the next flight to arrive at the Tufi airport

Kikori River, Gulf Province, 2012. Along the Kikori River.

Kikori River, Gulf Province, 2012. A young girl peers out of the door of her stilted hut.

Waru, Hela Province, 2012.

Waru, Hela Province, 2012. A wooden bridge crosses over a Huli ditch, connecting the road to a small store selling day-old chickens.

Hides, Hela Province, 2012. A young girl plays in the garden.

Hides, Hela Province, 2012. A small bridge leads to a doorway completely overgrown with plants, the entrance to a village homestead in the mountains.

Hides, Hela Province, 2012. Drum ovens, fueled by wood collected from the forest, are a common way of preparing food in the village.

Hides, Hela Province, 2012. The Huli tribe is known for digging a long and steep ditch around the perimeter of villages or homesteads as a means of protection. The ditches take days to construct and can only be crossed by using a thin bridge.

Kikori River, Gulf Province, 2012. A typical stilted hut along the banks of the Kikori river.

Kinumere, Gulf Province, 2012. In the remote villages along the Kikori river, there is little access to modern technologies or even electricity. In Kinumere village, a local shop owner installed a television, run on a generator and kept in a large cage to protect it from on-lookers.

Kinumere, Gulf Province, 2012.

Mendi, Southern Highlands Province, 2012. Young boys catching a ride along the Highlands Highway, the main land highway in the country.

Mendi, Southern Highlands Province, 2012.

Mendi, Southern Highlands Province, 2012. One of the most common forms of travel along the Highlands Highway, the country’s largest land route, is catching a ride in the back of a truck headed for the main town of Mendi.

Mendi, Southern Highlands Province, 2012. A boy and his dog sit along the side of the road.

Mendi, Southern Highlands Province, 2012. At an informal market outside of Mendi, a woman sells peanuts to people starting their journey along the Highlands Highway.

Hides, Hela Province, 2012. A long and narrow bridge made from poles crosses over a Huli ditch.

Hides, Hela Province, 2012.

Angore, Hela Province, 2013. Villagers peer in through the windows or a newly built community centre.

Nogoli, Hela Province, 2013. An HIV/AIDS centre in the rural village of Nogoli.

Papa, Central Province, 2013. Local clinics, such as the Papa Health Clinic, provide vital health needs to people in local communities.

Port Moresby, Central province. On the streets of Port Moresby.

Moro, Southern Highlands Province, 2013. Women walk down the road through the thick forest on a rainy morning.

Hides, Hela Province, 2013.

Sodiobi, Western Highlands, 2013. Women sit on the veranda after a long day of working in the garden.

Sodiobi, Western Highlands, 2013.

Sodiobi, Western Highlands, 2013.

Tatere, Hela Provinve, 2014. Washing day.

Tatere, Hela Provinve, 2014. Women lay out their freshly made breads, baked in a locally made drum oven.

Tatere, Hela Province, 2014.

Tatere, Hela Province, 2014

Homa-Paua, Southern Highlands, 2014. Women sit in the shade of casava plants to avoid the hot afternoon sun.

Mabuli, Hela Province, 2014. Tai Himu stands in front of a hut that she uses as a birthing clinic in her village of Mabuli. With little access to medical facilities and with only basic training herself, Tai has helped birth more than 100 babies from around the area.

Papa, Central Province, 2013. A typical stilted hut in Papa village.

Mabuli, Hela Province, 2014. PMVs – public motor vehicles – are the most common form of transport in the Highlands.

Mabuli, Hela Province, 2014.

Hides, Hela Province, 2015. A simple room at a rehabilitation and protection centre for women who have suffered from domestic violence

Hides, Hela Province, 2015.

Hides, Hela Province, 2018. Women wear their traditional bilums, a woven bag delicately balanced on their heads.

Hides, Hela Province, 2018.

Hides, Hela Province, 2018