
If these stories speak to you in any way and you would like to keep up to date with new stories, please subscribe to this site and follow me on Instagram.

As a global traveller, I am often asked where my favourite place in the world is and the answer is simple: on an assignment. I have a great passion for documenting the world, for discovery and exploration, and capturing the moments that make us think differently about who we are, how we live and what we stand for.

I am always on the lookout for new adventures or meaningful projects to be engaged in, particularly in the field of environmental and sustainability communication. I use storytelling in different forms, contexts and locations to encourage critical thinking and am predominantly engaged in the following activities:


Writing and Editing

Workshop Facilitation


Live Storytelling

I believe that storytelling is one of the most powerful and relevant tools that we have to affect change in society, and if this is something of interest to you, please get in touch.

For my full education and professional profile, please feel free to download my CV.

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